For an original copy of an Ordinance, please contact the Borough Office.
Copy Fee: $0.25 per page
1. Establishing Roadway and Sidewalks of Palliser Street
2. Land Annex
4. Re-Establishing Lines, Grades, Width of Palliser Street
5. Adopting Hannah Alley as Public Alley
6. Vacating Portion of Hannah Alley
8. Establishing Widths of Millcreek Road
9. Establishing Widths of Luzerne Street Extension
10. Amend System of Government
11. Accepting Hillcrest Alley as Public Highway
12. Construction of Storm Sewer at Arlington Street
13. Funding of Bonds
14. Vacate Portion of Hillcrest Alley
15. Extension and Acceptance of Wonder Street
17. Accepting Portion of Weaver Court as Public Highway
18. Accepting Portion of Thoburn Street as Public Highway
19. Vacating Portion of Thoburn Street
20. Vacating Portion of Weaver Court
21. Increasing Bond Debt by $75,000.001
22. Issuance of Bonds up to $75,000.00
23. Accepting Portion of Shady Lane as Public Highway
24. Accepting Harding Street as Public Highway
25. Accepting Cox Street as Public Highway
26. Improving Portion of Hochstein Road
27. Accepting Leila Street as Public Highway
28. Accepting Portion of Gardner Street as Public Highway
29. Accepting Portion of Orchard Street as Public Highway
30. Improving Portion of Marion Street
31. Provide for Grading, Paving and Improving Palliser Street
32. Improving Portion of State Street
33. Accepting Portion of Olive Street as Public Highway
34. Providing for Construction of Sanitary Sewers
35. Pumps
36. Accepting Portion of Court Alley as Public Highway
37. Accepting Portion of Lenox Alley as Public Highway
38. Set backs
39. Sidewalks
40. Vacating Portion of Lenox Alley
41. Vacating Portion of Court Alley
43. Accepting Milton Street as Public Highway
44. Accepting Portion of Arlington Street as Public Highway
45. Accepting Henry Alley as Public Highway
46. Vacating Portion of Henry Alley
47. Increase Bond Indebtness by $45,000.00
48. Accepting Portion of Orange Alley
49. Constructing Sanitary Sewer
52. Accepting Portion of Gardner Street
53. Accepting Gardner Street Extension
55. Accepting Dell Street and Portion of Daisy Street
56. Amends Ord. No. 50, 51, 52, 53
57. Provides a Loan to Pay Indebtness
58. Sets Tax Millage
60. Provides for Loan to Pay Bond Indebtness
61. Establishing Widths, Draining, Grading, etc. for State Street
62. Accepting Beacon Street as Public Highway
63. Accepting Portion of Olive Street as Public Highway
64. Accepting Portion of Mabel Street as Public Highway
65. Accepting Portion of Thoburn Street as Public Highway
66. Accepting Portion of Helen Street as Public Highway
67. Accepting Lucetta Street and Public Highway
68. Building Permits
70. Accepting Portion of Edward Street
71. Providing for Vacation or Changing Widths of Streets
72. Providing for Grading, Draining, Paving of Portion of Harshberger
73. Providing for Grading, Draining and Paving of Lilly Street
74. Accepting Leon Street as Public Highway
75. Accepting Portion of Orange Alley as Public Highway
76. Vacating Portion of Orange Alley
77. Omitted
78. Omitted
79. Accepting Portion of Christine Court as Public Highway
80. Accepting Portion of Wonder Street as Public Highway
81. Accepting King Street as Public Highway
82. Accepting Portion of Dahlia Street as Public Highway
83. Accepting Portion of Thoburn Street as Public Highway
84. Requesting Improvement of Harshberger and Lilly Streets
85. Accepting Portion of Marion Street as Public Highway
86. Accepting Portion of Mabel Street as Public Highway
87. Establishing Lines and Grades for Harshberger & Lilly Streets
88. Amend Clause D, Sec. I Art. IV of General Ordinance
89. Accepting Floyd Street as Public Highway
90. Vacating Portion of Floyd Street
92. Establishing Alley Near Chestnut Lane
93. Providing for Construction of Water Conduit
97. Reserved for Zoning
98. Accepting Portion of Queen Street as Public Highway
99. Accepting Portion of Daisy Street as Public Highway
100. Accepting Thoburn Street as Public Highway
101. Bell Telephone
102. Paving Hannah Alley
103. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1933 at 10.5 mills
104. Authorizing Tax Payment Installments
105. Accepting Portion of Millcreek Road as Public Highway
106. Fixing Tax Rate for 1934 at 10.5 mills
107. Fixing Tax Rate for 1935 at 10.5 mills
108. Furnishing of Electric Street Lighting Service
109. Fixing Tax Rate for 1936 at 10.5 mills
110. Fixing Tax Rate for 1937 at 10.5 mills
111. Speed Limits
112. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1938
113. Authorizing Opening of Street -Grant Street to Millcreek Road
114. Providing for Extension of Sanitary Sewer
115. Amending Ordinance No. 113
117. Establishing Width on Menoher Hgh
118. Reestablishing Width of Christine Court
119. Proposed Improvements on Menoher Hgh
121. Public Service along Menoher Hgh
122. Fixing Tax Rate for 1940 at 11.5 mills
123. Proposed Improvement on Harshberger Street
124. Condemning Right of Way for Sanitary Sewer Construction
125. Salary of Police after December 31, 1940
126. Accepting Portion of Dahlia Street as Public Highway
127. Fixing Tax Rate for 1941 at 11.5 mills
128. Speed Limits
129. Accepting Portion of Orchard Street
130. Accepting Portion of Arlington Street
131. Salary of Police
132. Fixing Tax Rate for 1942 at 11.5 mills
134. Fixing Tax Rate for 1943 at 11.5 mills
135. Sale of Property
136. Fixing Tax Rate for 1944 at 11.5 mills
137. Fixing Tax Rate for 1945 at 11.5 mills
138. Street Lighting
139. Fixing Tax Rate for 1946 at 11.5 mills
140. Salaries of Police and Street Commission
141. Set Backs
142. Fixing Tax Rate for 1947 at 13 mills
143. Salaries of Police and Street Commission
144. Fixing Tax Rate for 1948 at 13 mills
145. License Fee on Mechanical Devices
146. Amends 3
147. Accepting Portion of Orchard Street as Public Highway
148. Excavations
149. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1949 at 13 mills
150. Imposing Tax for General Revenue Purposes
151. Imposing Tax for General Revenue Purposes
152. Salary of Burgess
153. Fixing Tax Rate for 1950 at 13 mills
154. Accepting Portion of Wonder Street as Public Highway
155. Building Restrictions and Zoning
156. Accepting Portion of Short Alley as Public Highway
157. Vacating Short Alley
158. Fixing Tax Rate for 1952 at 13 mills
159. Change in Setback Ordinance on Dell Street
161. Fixing Tax Rate for 1953 at 13 mills
162. Accepting Briar Alley as Public Highway
163. Vacating Briar Alley
164. Proposed Improvements to Millcreek Road
165. Levying Earned Income Tax for 1954 at 1%
166. Fixing Tax Rate for 1954 at 12 mills
167. Proposed Improvements on Menoher Boulevard
168. Levying Earned Income for 1955 at 1/2%
169. Fixing Tax Rate for 1955 at 12 mills
170. Paving Edward Street
171. Paving Lapan Street
172. Salary of Borough Employees
173. Levying Earned Income Tax for 1956 at 1/2%
174. Fixing Tax Rate for 1956 at 12 mills
175. Levying Earned Income Tax for 1957 at 1/2%
176. Paving State Street
177. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1957
180. Levying EIT for 1958 at 1/2%
181. Garbage and Rubbish
182. Fire Department
183. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1958
184. Goucher Street Improvements
186. Vacating Peach Alley
187. Accepting Plum Alley
188. Vacating Plum Alley
189. Levying EIT for 1959 at 1/2%
190. License on Mechanical Devices
191. Police Pension Fund
192. Setting the Tax Rate for 1959
193. Accepting Portion of Bluff Street
194. Accepting Portion of Otis Street
195. Grading, Draining, Curbing of Otis Street
196. Levying EIT for 1960 at 1/2%
197. License on Mechanical Devices
198. Per Capita ($5.00)
199. Fixing the Tax Rate at 1960
200. Regulating Connection/Repairs of Private Sewers
201. Grading, Draining, Curbin of Leila Street
202. Municipal Employees Retirement System
203A. Removal of High Grass, etc
204. Levying Earned Income Tax for 1961 at 1/2%
206. License on Mechanical Devices
207. Collection of Annual Rental/Charge for Sewer System
208. Fixing Tax Rate for 1961 at 10 mills
209. Requiring Connection to Sanitary Sewers
210. Levying Earned Income Tax for 1962 at 1/2%
211. Assessing Per Capita Tax of $5.00
212. Municipal Employees Retirement System
213. Fixing Tax Rate for 1962 at 10 mills
214. Numbering of Public Service Poles
215. Levying Earned Income Tax for 1962 at 1/2%
216. License on Mechanical Devices
217. Assessing Per Capita Tax of $5.00
218. Fixing Tax Rate for 1963 at 10 mills
219. Accepting Portion of Queen Street as Public Highway
220. Municipal Authority (Greater Johnstown Water Auth.)
221. Earned Income Tax
222. Per Capita Tax
223. License on Mechanical Devices
224. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1964
225. Borough Planning Commission
226. Accepting Portion of Langhorne Avenue
227. Increasing Indebtness by $100,000
228. Menoher Blvd. Improvements
229. Earned Income Tax
230. Per Capita Tax
231. License Fee on Mechanical Devices
232. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1965
233. Imposing Real Estate Transfer Tax
234. Earned Income Tax
235. Per Capita Tax
236. License Fee on Mechanical Devices
237. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1966
238. Paving Portion of Southmont Blvd.
239. Imposing Real Estate Transfer Tax 1966
240. Accepting Portion of Cherry, Stillray & Ray Alley
241. Numbering of Public Service Poles
243. Income Tax Ordinance
244. Per Capita Tax
245. License Fee on Mechanical Devices
246. Imposing Real Estate Tax Transfer
247. Amending Ordinance #155 (Zoning)
248. Menoher Blvd. Improvements
251/252. Accepting Portions of Cheney St., Shady Lane, Leon Street, Diamond Blvd.
253. Earned Income Tax
254. Per Capita Tax 1968
256. Accepting Floyd St. and Carrie Alley
257. Earned Income Tax
258. Per Capita Tax
260. Accepting Portion of Diamond Blvd.
261. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1970
263. Accepting Portion of Diamond Blvd.
264. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1971
265. Garbage and Rubbish
266. Accepting Portion of Penn Ave.
269. Westmont Hilltop Recreation Authority
270. Ridge Sewage Treatment Plant
271. Ridge Sewage Treatment Plant
273. Westmont Hilltop Recreation Commission
274. Accepting Portion of Orange Alley
275. Garbage and Rubbish (Amends Ordinance #265)
277. Accepting Portion of Stillray
278. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1975
279. Accepting Portion of Susan Drive
280. Cable TV
281. Annual Sewage Charge
282. Increasing Indebtness by $100,000
283. Amends Ord. 280 - Cable TV
284. Amends Ord 148 - Evacuation of Streets
285. Garbage and Rubbish (Amends Ordinance #265, 275)
286. Occupational Privilege Tax
288. Accept United States National Bank as Depositor for PLW Grant
289. Accepting Portion of State Street
290. Adding a Section 6 to the above Ordinance
300. Garbage & Rubbish (Amends Ordinance #265, 275, 294)
291. Accepting Portion of State Street
292. Increasing Indebtness by $120,000
293. Unknown
294. Unknown
295. Unknown
296. Unknown
297. Unknown
298. Unknown
299. Unknown
300. Increase Garbage Fee from $26 to $30
301. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1979 (20 mills) 302. General Obligation Loan
304. Zoning Ordinance
305. Sewer Rental Fee (Amends Ordinance 281)
306. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1979 (22 mills)
307. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1981
308. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1981 (16.17 mills), Amends 307
309. Zoning Ordinance replaces Ordinance 304
310. Accepting Celeste Drive as Public Highway
311. Vacating Portion of Celeste Drive
312. Building Permits (rules governing and establishments)
313. Use of Electrical Speed Monitoring Devices (ESP)
313A. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1982
314. Boca Code (Property Maintenance)
315. Boca Code (Building)
316. Boca Code (Fire Prevention)
317. Moving Permits
318. Accept Celeste Drive as Public Highway
319. Celeste Drive
320. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1983
321. Regulation and Licensing of Pin Ball Machines
322. Southmont Volunteer Fire Company Authorization
324. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1984
326. Celeste Drive
327. Accept Bluff Street as Public Highway
328. Increasing Indebtedness of Southmont Borough
329. Creating Office of Borough Manager
330. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1985 (23 mills)
331. Accepting Apple Alley as Public Highway
332. Accepting Court Alley as Public Highway
333. Accepting Bluff Street as Public Highway
334. Accepting Unnamed Alley off Chestnut Lane
335. Accepting Stillray Street as Public Highway
336. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1986 (25 mills)
337. Providing for the Increase of Sewer Rates
338. Providing for the Annual Fee for Collection of Garbage
340. General Obligation Note in Amount of $60,000.00 for Sundry
341. Authorizing Jointure as a Settlor of PA Local Govern
345. To Provide Maximum Interest Rate on Note
346. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1987 (25 mills)
347. Increase of Garbage Fee for 1987
348. Prohibiting Pollutants into the Wastewater System
349. Amending Police Pension Fund-Cost of Living Increase
350. Amending Ord. #191, 339, 349 Police Pension Fun
351. Increase of Garbage Fee for 1988
352. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1988 (25 mills)
353. Increase of Garbage Fee for 1988/Land Fill Increases
354. Increase of Councilmen Monthly Compensation 1989
355. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1989 (25 mills)
356. Increase of Annual Garbage/Rubbish Fee for 1989 w/ Penalties
357. Restriction on Open Outdoor Fire Burning
358. Restatement of Police Pension Plan
359. Zoning Ordinance (Replaces Ordinance #309)
361. Backflo Prevention/Cross Connection
363. Fixing the Tax Rate for 990 (25 mills)
364. Increase of Garbage Fee for 1990
365. Inter Municipal Police Cooperation Agreement
366. Mutual Aid Assistance for the Volunteer Fire Company
367. Municipal Drug Task Force Agreement
368. Amending Ordinance #348 – Sewage Pre-Treatment
369. Providing Increase of garbage Fee for 1991
370. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1991 (25 mills)
371. Repealing LERTA Ordinance #344
372. Amending Ordinance #357 Restrictions on Open Outdoor Fire
373. Amending Ordinance #148 on Excavations
374. Animal Owners Responsibility
375. Providing for the Increase of Sewer Service Rates
376. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1992 (25 mills)
377. Narcotics Investigation Agreement
378. Solid Waste – Cambria County
379. Increase Planning Commission Members
381. Abolishing Existing Police Department/Joining West Hills Police
382. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1993 (25 mills)
383. Setting the Garbage and Rubbish Fees 1993-1994
384. Amending the Sewage Pretreatment Ordinance #348, 368
385. Sewerage Pretreatment Agreement Amend Ord. #348,368,384
386. P.I.R.M.A. Agreement – Workers Comp
387. Setting the Garbage and Rubbish Fees for 1994
388. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1994 (25 mills)
389. Establish a Recycling Program
390. Regulation Cable TV – Amend Ordinance #283
391. Garbage and Rubbish Amends Ordinance #181,265,275,285
392. Fire Escrow Act 93 Amends Ordinance #380
393. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1995 (25 mills)
394. Setting the Garbage and Rubbish Fees for 1995
395. Accepting Okra Alley as Public Highway
397. Amend Ordinance #39 Sidewalks
398. Setting the Garbage Fees for 1996 and 1997
399. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1996 (23.5 mills)
400. Accepting Hannah Alley as Public Highway
401. P.I.R.M.A. Agreement – Liability
402. Cable Franchise with Time Warner Co
402A. Cable Franchise/New Procedures and Requirements
403. Sidewalks – Amending Ordinance 39 and 397
405. Establishing Leaf Recycling
406. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1997 (23.5 mills)
407. Terminating Southmont Borough Police Pension Plan
409. BOCA Property Maintenance Repeals Ordinances #314
410. Setting Speed Limits and Traffic Signs Amends Ord. #111, 128
411. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1998
412. Setting the Garbage Fee for 1998, 1999, 2000
413. Providing for the Local Earned Income Tax
414. Vacating a portion of Long Alley from Leon St. to Lettuce Alley
415. Fixing the Tax Rate for 1999 (22 mills)
416. Compensation For Employees Other Than Normal Duty
417. Path Alley – Vacating a Portion
418. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2000 (22 mills)
419. Animal Control Policy/Animal Control Officer
420. Tree Limb and Shrub Clearance on Sidewalks, Roads, Alleys
421. Sewerage Pretreatment Ord. Amends Ord. #348,368,384,395
422. Codification of Ordinances
423. Changing the Name of Alleys and Signs
425. Setting the Tax Rate for 2001 (22 mills)
426. Setting the Sewer Maintenance Fee ($24.00 annually)
427. Revoking the Borough Per Capita Tax
428. Setting the Garbage Fee for 2001, 2002, 2003 ($70.00)
429. Sidewalk Specifications Amending Ordinances #39,397,403
430. Fence Height Amending Ordinance #359
431. Setting the Tax Rate for 2002
432. Tax Collector Fee for Providing Tax Certifications
433. Providing for Additional Speed, Parking, etc
434. Prohibiting Sleep, Living In Any Type Of Vehicle in Borough
435. Prohibiting Outdoor Burning Amending Ordinance #357, 372
436. Setting the Tax Rate for 2003
437. Setting the Garbage Fee for 2003
438. Accepting Cheney Oak Drive
439. Cost of Living Increase for Retired Police Officer
440. Prohibiting Tractor Trailers, RV's on Streets
441. Revoking Auctioneers Licenses and Fees
442. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2004 (22 mills)
443. Setting the Garbage Fees for 2004, 2005, 2006 ($90.00)
444. Placing Stop Signs at State St. and Leon St. Intersection
445. Amending Southmont Borough Zoning Ordinance
446. Borough Manager Amending Ordinance #399
450. Regulating Use of Skateboard, Bicycle, Scooter on Sidewalks
451. Eliminating Position of Elected Auditor/Creating Independent
453. Upgrade of Retirement Benefits
454. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2005 (11.0 mills)
455. Setting Compensation of the Tax Collector.
456. Handicapped “on street” Parking Spaces
459. Regulating the Business of Transient Merchants
461. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2006 (11.0 mills)
462. Vacating, Remove, Repair or Demolition of Dangerous Structure
463. Increasing Indebtedness of Borough for Fire Rescue Chassis
464. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2006 (11.0 mills)
465. Setting the Garbage Fee for 2007, 2008, 2009 ($120.00)
466. Amending Ordinance #455 To Set Compensation of Tax Collector
467. Amending Ordinance #463 Indebtedness of $35,000.00
468. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2008 (13.0 mills)
469. Reinstitute Per Capita Tax $10
470. Central Tax Bureau to Collect 511 Taxes
471. Amending and Establishing Nuisance Regulation, etc
472. Sewer Use Ordinance/Dye Testing
473. Amending and Establishing Garbage Fee Collections – Property Owners Responsibility
474. Amending Ord. #281 Collection of Sewer Maintenance Fees -Property Owners Responsibility
475. Increase of Sewer Maintenance Fees $48.00
476. Repeal Ordinance #286 Impose Local Service Tax
477. Authorizing App. of Same Person as Secretary/Treasurer
478. Adoption of Property Maintenance Code, Amends Ord. 409
480. Increase of Sewer Maintenance Fees $96.00 annually
481. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2010 (13 mills)
483. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2011 (13 mills)
485. Regulating Outdoor Furnaces
487. Amend & Revise Nuisance Ordinance 471
489. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2012 (13 mills)
492. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2013 (13 mills)
494. Landlord/Tenant Registration
495. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2014 (13 mills)
496. Increase Sewer Maintenance ($144/yr)
497. Increase Sewer Maintenance ($192/yr)
498. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2015 (13 mills)
499. Issuing of General Obligation Loan
500. Amending Municipal Pension Plan
501. Sanitary Sewer Certification (Real Estate Sales)
502. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2016 (13 mills)
503. Increase Sewer Maintenance ($288/yr)
504. Eminent Domain - R125 Palliser Street
505. Increasing Indebtedness by $8,308,574.00
506. Prohibiting Tobacco in Public Places
507. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2017 (13 mills)
508. Increasing Indebtedness by $5,818,566.00
509. Increase Sewer Maintenance ($384.00/yr)
510. Increase Sewer Maintenance ($552.00/yr)
511. Prohibiting Parking in Designated Areas on Diamond Blvd.
512. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2018 (13 mills)
513. Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement (Drug Task Force)
514. Zoning Ordinance PART 1 (Amends Ord. 359)
514. Zoning Ordinance PART 2 (Amends Ord. 359)
515. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2019 (13 mills)
516. Setting the Garbage Fee for 2019
517. Setting the Rate for Tax Collector
518. Establishing Position of Street Commissioner
519. Repeals Position of Borough Manager
520. Authorizing Water Termination of Delinquent Accounts
521. Amend Non-Uniform Pension Plan
522. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2020
523. Setting fees for collection and disposal of garbage
524. Cable Franchise Agreement
525. Tax credits for volunteer fire company members
526. PA Uniform Construction Code
527. Road Cutting Permits & Restorations
528. Amends GJWA Articles of Incorporation
529. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2021
530. Setting fees for collection and disposal of garbage
532. Amends Traffic & Roadway Regulations
533. Setting Penalties for Failure to Resolve I&I Issues
534. Establishing Office of Borough Manager
535. Implementing Act 50 of 2021 Regulating Small Wireless Facilities
536. Fixing Council Compensation at $0
537. Setting Garbage Rate for 2022 ($152.00)
538. Revising Shade Tree Ordinance
539. Waiving Late Tax Penalties - Act 57 of 2022
540. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2023
541. Setting the Garbage Fee for 2023
543. Authorizing Placement of Signs
545. Prohibiting Parking of Large Vehicles, Trucks & Trailers
546. Amending Traffic & Roadway Regulations & Authorizing Placement of Signs
547. Setting Garbage Rate for 2024 ($189.00)
548. Fixing the Tax Rate for 2024
549. Prohibiting Tobacco Use in Public Areas
551. Providing for Filing Municipal Liens and Authorizing Recovery of Costs