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MS4/Stormwater Management 


Storm Water

Since March of 2003, Southmont Borough has operated its storm sewer system under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) General Permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (Southmont Ordinance #447). This permitting was required of the Borough, along with other surrounding municipalities, by the federal EPA in order to minimize discharges of undesirable contaminants into the waterways of the Johnstown Urbanized Area.


In follow-up to last year's direct mailing of the PADEP brochure "When It Rains, It Drains," Southmont Borough is beginning a series of articles to emphasize activities that the community can assist in protecting the water resources of the area. With the onset of spring, and everyone's desire to begin outdoor activities, this article focuses on springtime issues.


The disappearance of snow will allow us to keep our cars cleaner. PADEP recommends commercial car washes as the best way to do this. That way, the wash water will be treated and/or recycled. Untreated wash water carries the soap scum, oils and dirt into the storm sewers and subsequently into the waterways where it is unhealthy for fish and other aquatic life. If you choose to wash your car at home, please try to locate this activity where the water will run off into a grass or gravel area that will help filter out these contaminants before they can reach the storm sewers.


Warmer weather also allows the start of yard work. Excessive fertilizer applied during undesirable weather conditions can wash out of your yard with storm runoff and into the storm sewers and waterways. This causes algae to grow, which uses up oxygen that fish and other aquatic life need to survive. Please use lawn fertilizers sparingly and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


Although much of the watershed in Southmont Borough is comprised of urbanized storm sewers and a flood protection channel, the receiving waters of the Stonycreek River have been seeing progressive improvement as a result of other cleanup efforts. Public participation in controlling urban contaminants will aid the progress of this improvement and the overall quality of life of the region.



Public Education and Outreach Program (PEOP)

The Borough of Southmont has developed a Public Education and Outreach Program (PEOP) to meet the requirements of the Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) General Permit.  The objective of this PEOP is to communicate the appropriate information to target audiences in the Borough to educate and inform the community about water pollution prevention and the MS4 Program.  The PEOP should also help the community become aware of the actions that individuals, businesses, and developers in the area can take to protect and improve water quality locally, as well as within the watershed.


The Solution to Stormwater Pollution

When It Rains, It Drains

Where Does All The Dirty Water Go?

Stormwater Pollution Solution

Stormwater Crossword

Stormwater and Construction Publication

Stormwater Fact Sheet

After the Storm Brochure

Make Your Home the Solution to Stormwater Pollution Brochure


DEP Website - Stormwater

EPA Website - Stormwater


Public Education & Outreach Program (PEOP)




Contact Us

Southmont Borough

Tel: 814-255-3104
Address​​​​​​: 148 Wonder Street

Johnstown, PA 15905


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