Monthly Meeting Schedule
Residents wishing to be placed on the agenda should call the Borough Office at 814-255-3104 seven days prior to the meeting date. Any person with a disability requiring a special accommodation to attend a borough meeting should notify Amanda Layton, Borough Manager at 814-255-3104 as early as possible, but no later than 5 working days prior to the meeting. The borough will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodation.
Monthly Borough Council Meetings
Third Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m.
If the third Monday falls on a holiday, the meeting will be
held the following Tuesday. ​(January & February 2025 meetings
fall on a holiday)
December 2025 meeting will be held on December 8,
2025 at 4:00 p.m.
Special and Committee Meetings
Tuesday's at 4:00 p.m. and the third Monday of each
month at 3:30 p.m. as needed.
Southmont Borough Council
Doug Beri, President
Sheree Speicher, Vice President
Bob Morgan, Pro Tem
Eugene Kupchella
Matthew McVicker
Richard Burkert
Herb Ewald
Anthony Keiper, Mayor
Southmont Borough Office Staff
Amanda Layton, Borough Manager
Debra Riek, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Sam McAdams, Street Commissioner
Laurel Municipal Inspection Agency, Zoning/Codes Enforcement
Southmont Borough Solicitor
Attorney Eric Hochfeld
Attorney William Barbin, Zoning Board Solicitor

Southmont Borough Committees
Administrative/Borough Services
Doug Beri - Chair
Eugene Kupchella
Mayor Anthony Keiper
Community Planning & Improvements
Richard Burkert - Chair
Doug Beri
Eugene Kupchella
Emergency Management
Mayor Anthony Keiper
Herb Ewald
Bob Morgan
Steve Costic, SVFC Fire Chief
William "B.J." Newman, WHRP Police Chief
Sheree Speicher - Chair
Doug Beri
Matt McVicker
Gr. Johnstown Water Authority Representative
Eugene Kupchella, Chair
Sheree Speicher
Chuck Arnone
John Follansbee
Laurel Municipal Inspection Agency Member
Doug Beri
MS4/Stormwater Committee
Sheree Speicher, Chair
Herb Ewald
Bob Morgan
Doug Beri, Chair
Bob Morgan
Sheree Speicher
Police Committee/Commission
Bob Morgan, Chair
Matt McVicker
Mayor Anthony Keiper - Alternate
Property Maintenance & Streets
Matt McVicker - Chair
Doug Beri
Mayor Anthony Keiper
Shade Tree Committee
Richard Burkert - Chair
Bob Morgan
Herb Ewald
Southmont Borough Boards
Zoning Hearing Board
Christine Richey
Michael Huston
Lauren Lazzari
Jeff Hunt
Robert Walker
Alternate Zoning Board
Nick Patton
Ronald Madison
Samantha Hartland
Planning Commission
Nicholas Antonazzo
Francis Kelly
Lary Koval
Jim Moskal
Mark Lazzari
Vacancy Board
Nicholas Antonazzo
IPMC Code Appeal Board
Don Speicher
Kerry Keklak
Nicholas Antonazzo
Jim Moskal
Brian Curtis
Tax Appeal Board
Jim Moskal
Sheree Speicher
Doug Beri
Zoning Review Committee
All of Council